Why Donate?

From organ transplants to heart surgeries, today’s advanced medical care relies on blood transfusions. When one person donates a unit of blood, it can be separated into individual components to save multiple lives. Blood donors like you help meet the daily transfusion needs of cancer and surgery patients, accident and burn victims, newborns and mothers delivering babies, AIDS and sickle cell anemia patients, and many more.

Who You Help


Gillian needed 86 blood, platelet and plasma products to survive when she hemorrhaged during childbirth and required an emergency hysterectomy.


Shatera needs blood transfusions two – three times a year and sometimes more, when she has a Sickle Cell crisis.

Therese (with husband Tony)

Blood donors have kept Therese alive since she was diagnosed as child and she continues to need blood when she has a Sickle Cell crisis.


Christian, aged 1, suffers from Sickle Cell and requires blood transfusions every three weeks to stay alive.


After being struck by a taxi, Ariel lost both of his legs. He required 11 operations and over 70 units of blood to survive.


A medically retired US Marine, Chris is a heart transplant & stroke survivor. He needed 2 open heart surgeries which included several units of blood.


After being hit by a drunk driver, Emily needed 138 transfusions to survive.

Jeff Cool (and his dog Joey Cool)

A NYC firefighter, Jeff was severely injured after jumping from a window during the 2005 Black Sunday fire. 72 blood donors saved Jeff’s life.


Kyle was diagnosed with severe anemia when he was only 15 months old and had several transfusions, chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant.


Lauren received a life-saving heart transplant that required several units of blood to keep her alive.


Paolo received a liver transplant during an eight hour surgery. Paolo required a massive amount of blood and platelets to keep him alive.


After waiting for eight years, Victor received a new kidney. Blood donors kept him alive during his surgery.

Emotional Meeting Between Blood Recipient and Her Donor

Leukemia patient and blood recipient, Carol, meets her donor, Michael, who made the heroic decision to become a donor and save lives!

Acacia Puleo, Blood Recipient

Acacia Puleo suffered from liver disease and needed daily blood transfusions to help save her life.

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