Donating blood is not the only way that you can support NYBC. Donating money to help advance our research, pouring juice for blood donors, or hosting a blood drive at your organization are all ways that you can get involved.



Your financial support helps us provide critical healthcare services to our communities during this pandemic, from maintaining an adequate blood supply, to collecting, testing and distributing convalescent plasma to hospitals with the hope that plasma transfusions will help save the lives of COVID-19 patients in critical need. NYBCe seeks financial support to help advance our efforts in CP patient availability, antibody testing, and in the development of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine which is currently in the preclinical phase.

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Donate Money

Your financial support saves lives on a local and national level! Text NYBC or RESEARCH to 20222 to donate $25 instantly!

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Volunteer With Us

Volunteers play a crucial role in helping NYBC save lives each and every day

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Host a Blood Drive

It’s easy to do, and a New York Blood Center Account Manager will be with you every step of the way.

Who You Help

Jennifer Lentini, Blood and Heart Recipient

At age 13, Jennifer Lentini required many blood transfusions as a heart transplant surgery patient.

Michael O'Hara, Blood Donor

Dedicated blood hero Michael O'Hara is thankful to be able to give life through blood, platelet, and plasma donation.

NYBC Stories: Lauren Shields, Blood and Heart Recipient

A virus attacked Lauren Shields' heart, and she required multiple blood transfusions to survive.